50+ Creative and unique status lines for social media

Unique Status lines

In the online world, it's important to be memorable. One way to do that is through your status lines. They give a glimpse into who you are and can help you connect with others.

50+ Creative and unique status lines for social media

I finally found the perfect way to lose weight: upgrading to the latest smartphone model.


Believe in miracles, and you'll see them everywhere.

It's interesting how I think like a robot, but I feel like a human.


I miss the good old days when we had to use our imagination, not Google.


The world is full of beauty; open your eyes and appreciate it.


I'm not afraid to stand alone if it means staying true to my values.

I'm not a time traveler, but I can make hours disappear by getting lost in the black hole of YouTube videos.

They say time heals all wounds, but it also has a talent for creating new ones... like accidentally hitting 'Reply All.

Don't be afraid to start over; it's a chance to build something better.

Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people.

When nothing goes right, go left... or maybe just take a nap

I'm not a morning person. I'm a 'give me coffee and leave me alone' person.


Let go of what no longer serves you to make room for what inspires you.

The best ideas come to me in the shower; I guess water is my muse

Take risks and don't be afraid to fail; that's where growth happens.

I may not be perfect, but I'm pretty close to it when I'm wearing sunglasses.

They say time is money, but apparently, I'm always on the wrong currency exchange rate.

Your past does not define you; it prepares you for your future.

The only exercise I get is scrolling through my Instagram feed.

Believe in yourself, but also believe in aliens. It keeps things interesting.

When nothing goes right, go left... or just lie down and take a nap.

If anyone needs me, I'll be overthinking in the corner.

Promise I’ll get a reaction if I tell you a chemistry joke.


I may be quiet, but my thoughts are so loud they need subtitles.

Don't worry, be happy. But if you can't be happy, eat chocolate. It works too.

If all else fails, read the instructions. If that fails too, make up your own rules.

If you can't find the sunshine, be the sunshine. Or at least carry a flashlight.

You can't please everyone, so just focus on disappointing yourself instead.

I'm not addicted to social media; I'm just highly committed to avoiding real-life responsibilities.

Believe in yourself, because no one else will be foolish enough to do so.

Follow your dreams, unless your dreams involve paying bills and doing laundry.

Don't be afraid to take risks, because failure is the only guaranteed outcome.

Success is not just about making money. It's about making a difference.

In the book of life, each person is a verse waiting to be written.

The ink of life flows through the pen of our experiences.

I'm the captain of my ship, and I steer it the way I want.
I don't always take selfies, but when I do, I delete 99% of them.

I don't snore; I just dream of being a jet engine.

To Earn, you must first Learn. Learn how to remove the ‘L’.

I'm not a mind reader, but I can make educated guesses based on your Facebook posts.


I don't make mistakes; I have adventures in trial and error.

I'm not always right, but when I am, it's usually followed by an awkward silence.


I don't need a personal assistant; my phone already knows everything about me.


My to-do list is a lot like my bank account—empty and full of unrealized dreams.


I love my job but I love it more when I’m on a vacation. 


Brains are awesome, I wish everyone had one.


Sleep is my drug and my alarm clock is the police.


Life without mistakes is like, education without books.

My phone battery lasts longer than most relationships these days.

I'm not forgetful; I just have selective memory when it comes to boring tasks.

I used to have a great memory, but now my smartphone remembers everything for me.


Time is precious, so I'm spending it wisely by Googling random facts and arguing with strangers on the internet.

Technology has made us more connected than ever, yet we've never been more disconnected from reality.

The best part about living in a digital world is that you can always find someone to blame for your technical issues.

Life is like a camera. Focus on the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don't work out, take another shot.
