I Still Love You Quotes & Status Messages

 I Still Love You Quotes & Status Messages

I Still Love You Quotes & Status Messages

I keep telling myself that I don't miss you and don't love you, hoping one day I'll believe it.

We all have that one person we would take back in a second, no matter how much they hurt us in the past.

That moment you make eye contact, with somebody who used to mean the world to you...

You hurt me and made me cry, yet I still love you. How stupid am I?

We all have that one person, that no matter how many times they break your heart, you still love them.

I try not to miss you, I try to let go, but in the end, you're always on my mind.


It's been awhile since I've seen your face, yet I still find it so hard to erase.

I hate checking my phone, and not seeing your name pop up anymore.

We aren't in each other's lives anymore. And I don't know what hurts more. Having to accept it or still hoping you'll notice.

I don't hate you for not loving me anymore, but I hate myself for still loving you.

I still have feelings for you. Not enough to want you back, But enough to make it hurt.

No matter how many times I say I don't care, I do.

I hate seeing all your Facebook updates, it brings back memories...But I could never delete you either.

It's so hard to let you go, even after all that you put me through.

We may fight, and we may cry, but my love for you will never die.


No matter how much you hurt me I'll still pray for you every night.

If you feel the need to insult your ex or their new lover, you obviously still have feelings for them.

You just walk in and out of my life while I'm trying hard to stay in yours.

Love is when you want your relationship to last even though the odds are against you.

You can never be just friends with someone you used to love, because a little part of you will always love them.

I loved her once, I love her still and I always will. She may have pushed me away but in her heart I'll stay.

Letting you go wasn't the hardest part. Still loving you, is.

You know when you truly love someone you don't hate them for breaking your heart.

Yes, you hurt me. Yes, you cheated on me. Yes, you left me. Yes, I cared. Yes, I cried... but No, I haven't stopped loving you.

I never changed my mind about you. I tried to, but there is just something about you that something inside me just won't let go of.

No matter what happens between us, I will always love you with everything I have.

I never stopped loving you, its just I stopped showing it.

My pride won't let me call or text you first but my heart won't let me move on.

No matter how hard I try, I can never just look at you and pretend to feel nothing anymore.

Just because the relationship ended, doesn't mean the feelings did.

Its sucks to know that you still love the person who broke your heart..

I'm trying my best to move on but every time that I remember her, my plan is failing over and over again.

Removing you from my mind was easy but removing you from my heart is nearly impossible.

It's sad how the people you were once so close with can become just another stranger you don't know.
